Please email us any for original paintings for sale. Art Brokerage is one of the main secondary sources for Norman Rockwell lithographs, colloytypes, drawings and original oils on canvas. One version of Norman Rockwell's "Freedom of Speech" painting is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. As Rockwell's personal contribution during World War II, Rockwell painted the famous "Four Freedoms" posters, symbolizing for millions the war aims as described by President Franklin Roosevelt. In addition, Norman Rockwell painted a great number of pictures for story illustrations, advertising campaigns, posters, collotypes, calendars, and books. Over the years he depicted there a unique collection of Americana, a series of vignettes of remarkable warmth and humor. The cover of The Saturday Evening Post was Norman Rockwell's showcase for over forty years, giving him an audience larger than that of any other artist in history.

An enormously popular illustrator, American artist Norman Rockwell specialized in warm and humorous scenes of everyday small-town life. In this brief guide, we’ve included platforms for all sizes and niches, specializing in everything from super affordable print-by-demand products to artworks priced at a minimum of $1,000.Art Brokerage: Park West Artist: Norman Rockwell American Artist: b. In most cases, you have the power to set your own prices.

We define “marketplaces” as platforms where you can list your work for sale, usually (but not always) with the platform receiving a commission on that sale. Beyond traditional galleries and print shops, web-based marketplaces can also empower photographers to sell prints and other products directly to collectors, while also helping to market their work across social media and beyond. The art market has expanded to new (online) horizons, and photography is no exception. 56% of collectors overall spent more than half of their yearly art budget online. Among “next generation” collectors-those who had started within the past four years-that number rose to 90%. Late last year, a survey from Artsy revealed that 76% of art collectors had purchased art online within the previous twelve months. Amongst The Dandelions (2019), available on ArtFinder